Gift 59: Bee


This is what the rescue had to say “Adopted as a companion after the passing of his wife several years ago, we heard how loyal she has been to him. When he fell and was unable to get up, she laid with him until help could arrive. They clearly had an amazing bond, and it is such a shame that she has had to come back to us to find a new home”.

“But before we can find her a loving forever sofa, she needs a little bit of help. As her owner wasn’t very mobile for the last couple of years, she is in need of some veterinary care… We have already had one consultation at the vets for cystitis and have found she needs some follow up treatment”.

“Lovely Bee needs some teeth out and also needs an ultrasound scan and blood test to investigate some swelling. The poor dear is struggling with arthritis in her hocks so has been put on YuMove to try and help her out”.

“This is an unexpected expense for us after already having quite sizable vet bills these last few weeks. So, we are turning to you for help to ensure she gets the treatment she needs, so we can go on to find her a new family to spend the rest of her golden years with”.

“She is such a little darling and has been so peaceful being back with us here at the kennels. This morning she was roaching and looking very content. It is always a blessing when a returning hound isn’t stressed after being separated from their family. She had several loving years with her dad and we are hopeful we can find her another home where she can experience that amazing bond once again as she lives out her golden years.

We were very happy to send £152.33 for Bee’s initial consultation and treatment.

Update: Bee was adopted by a lovely couple and went to her forever home September 2021